Vetted instruction

Our content comes from a variety of sources who have been personally invited to contribute to The Build.

Jay Slife

Jay is the Founder and Senior Pastor of reBuild, a harp-and-bowl style House of Prayer, and the Co-Founder and Chief Educator of The Build, a live and online training, empowering, and releasing center, aimed primarily at the Millennial generation. His specific callings are to teach, preach, and prophesy. With his wife and best friend Julia, their extensive life and ministry experiences have prepared them well to raise up others in all facets of life, including and perhaps especially the life of ministry. Their passion is to help people find their niche, their place of depth, service, and ministry, to and with their Lord; thus, bringing fulfillment to their walk with Jesus and glory to his Name.

Matthew Slife

Matthew is the Co-Founder and Leader of The Build, a live and online training, empowering, and releasing center, aimed primarily at the Millennial generation. He is the primary Builder of this ministry, having built it from a Vision and with subsequent interchanges from his Lord. He has accomplished most of what you see when you are online with us! Matt’s specific callings are coupled as a prophetic evangelist, having been prayed over and anointed for this at a very young age.

Torry Ebell

Torry has been involved in church music since kindergarten, participating as choir member, bell ringer, sound engineer, bassist, vocalist, guitarist, and worship leader.  Though raised in church, his key moment with Christ came in the middle of post-communist Russia while on tour with the Santa Clara Chorale, birthing a passion for international missions that is intertwined with his love of music.

Doug Scott

Doug has been in ministry for over thirty-five years, as a Youth Pastor, Pastor of Prayer, and Senior Pastor. As well, he has been part of a Leadership Training Team overseas. His life experience is vast, as he has always sought the genuine transformation that comes from becoming more and more like Jesus. He loves to spend his time in God’s word, worship and intercession.