Built From Scripture…
The Build is an entity that has been fully developed, based on Scripture and clear instruction from the Lord. It has all to do with bringing people into a deeper walk with Jesus wherein he builds them to that place of fulfillment in service, worship, and relationship with him, for which they have been created. We all have a place, a part, in his economy, his Kingdom. It is a specific calling. The Build is about helping people discover, and then fulfill, that call.
It finds its origins in both the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and the Great Commandment, (Matthew 22:37-40) coupled just so by the hand of the Great One, Jesus. It prepares people to engage, to enter the vibrancy of the day in which we live, fully tooled to face any and all with the Gospel, the Good News, the True Answer to their questions and challenges. Nothing cuts through an argument about the Christ, or the dysfunction of the day, like a word of knowledge or a prophecy or a well-timed word of encouragement, a cup of cold water! The Build is about that!
Training and Equiping
The Build is a training center, precisely formulated to Equip, Train, Impart, Empower, and Release people into and for the works of His Kingdom. To Equip here is to bring to bear the spiritual and relational tools he offers to engage him in his work. To Train is to learn, to participate and flow in the use of said tools. To Impart has to do with receiving from seasoned people what they have already been trained in and have to give away. There is an anointing in this that comes from the Anointed One, which then leads to Empowering. In God’s methods of doing business all things are based on and work through relationship, with him and with those he has connected together. While Imparting flows from him through people, Empowering is an ability, an anointing, a power and authority that comes directly from him. All this builds and culminates into a Release, which is a commission, in fact a commissioning to Go! and Do! and Be! in the fullness of your Lord Jesus; fully trained, fully empowered to flow and function in and with Jesus to change the world!
If we are to go and make disciples, moving with the Lord as we teach people how to walk this life with Jesus as the Center, we need to be prepared to answer questions, address fears and struggles, speak to doubts and objections. We must bring the Bible and the truth, the wisdom of God into current events; yes, in prayer and intercession, and yes, in dialog and discussions with the people in our circle of influence.
All this happens by way of, within the parameters of healthy relationships, with specific and intentional relational skills, all to be developed at The Build. Our primary focus is him. Period. All else comes from him and is given back to him for his use. Our primary reward is to encounter him, his beauty, his desire for us. Herein we move and live and have our being (Acts 17:28).