In the interest of creating a House of Prayer (Isaiah 56:7ff), in the understanding of the Tabernacle of David (1 Chronicles 23:5, 25:7) and with a sensitivity to current trends in communication, brought forth via several prophetic communiques from Father, the first of which spoke to The Build, the second of which spoke to reBuild, comes this ministry endeavor.
The title speaks to the rebuilding of the heart and values of the Tabernacle of David, which is all about prayer and worship, inviting and honoring the presence of our Lord, from which we acknowledge his glory, power and authority. From that place of intimacy, we are Holy Spirit led into prayer and intercession, into worship and adoration, and into the works, the assignments he directs us to accomplish for and by him.
I asked Father: “What does your house of prayer look like?” To which he replied, first with what it is not and then with what it is:
“It is not to be sold.” (Which means maneuvered, manipulated, convinced, talked into, or built in that way. It is his and his alone.)
“This is new. Do not attach old to it! Do not try to build from what was. This is a new floor, a new foundation.”
“It does not have tradition or religion attached to it.” (The base definition of the word “religion” does not even speak to a spiritual or divine element. It speaks to a control system – or a system of control.)
“It is not a church or a church system. It is a relationship. Period. It must start and stop there. The moment it starts to be about a system, a program. the point is lost. Over and over, it is unto the Lord. It is a death to all else. It is, truly, unto an ‘audience of one’.”
“Trust. Rest. Allow me mine. Let go of you. Follow my lead.”
Core Values: Be. Seek. Listen. Since it is all about God, do that which brings intimacy with him.
The point: If one is truly, totally, content in the Lord, with oneself and him and all that is around, then the fear, the insecurity, the uncertainty would be amazingly un-present; and one would be at peace; and his presence would be wonderful – instead of scary and fretful.
So, this comes down to hours and hours of intimate worship and prayer, both intercessory and devotionally, with no agenda except his, with the only agenda being to be with and in him. Learning to be, to listen, to stay just there. Learning to allow him his work in the heart, because that is what brings us closer. Continually returning to his presence. Out of which, in his timing and way, will come great manifestations, great power and great authority – all his.
He ended this communique with this: “It is imperative that you remain diligent and intentional with the strategies and directives given. The key to success is obedience to me. The lack here is one of the main causes of unnecessary struggle (and all too often eventual failure) in my Body. Don’t let the lackadaisical spirit on the land enter here. Don’t let others’ attitude affect your attitude. Listen to me. Follow my lead. Never mind the influences around you.”