At least that’s how it happened to me. In fact, I was singing backup vocals for the singles’ group before I was even saved. Once I learned to strum a few chords, I was leading solo in smaller gatherings (including the New Believers’ class–of which I had recently become a member), and within two years, I was leading the singles’ worship, and a member of the main worship team. All of this with no training, no mentoring, not even an understanding of what worship is.
Of course I understand that a small church might need to accelerate the process in order to meet a need; that limited resources might inhibit the ability to provide training. But this was at a megachurch, with a world-renowned worship leader!
So what’s going on here? Why are so many of us put in this place of such tremendous responsibility without a second thought? I could probably write for years on that question alone, but that is not my purpose. Regardless of the “why,” here we are, tasked with leading God’s people into His presence. All we really need to know is “how.”
My own worship journey started at that megachurch more than twenty-five years ago. It has led me through many diverse settings, and has been expressed in a wide variety of styles. It has crossed oceans and cultures and languages. It still isn’t complete, and never will be, but perhaps I can pass along a bit of what I have learned so far.
My hope is that this blog will help you navigate your own worship journey. Some entries will be practical, some spiritual, and others just probing outside the “worship box.” Take a moment to selah (pause and reflect) as you read. Put into action those ideas that resonate with your spirit, and carry on leading worship.